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The Draconis-Package is a complete Internet Package for the ATARI. It enables access to the Internet with any ATARI computer with at least 1MB RAM.

The package may be used with Single- or MultiTOS and MiNT, and any kind of TOS compatible computer. You may use an ATARI ST(E), TT, Falcon or compatible (HADES, MILAN). With DRACONIS you are able to explore the fascinating world of the Internet. The Internet, the driver and the program components are explained in detail in a 80 pages sized manual (currently in German available as a Papyrus file).

The Package contents includes all necessary drivers, a Webbrowser (The Light of Adamas) and an EMail-Client (Marathon Mail). This enables the use of the most commonly internet services. Also there is of course a FTP and a Telnet-Client.

The browser also contains a JavaScript-Modul, which enables the execution of webpages containing Javascript on the ATARI. JavaScript is used on may Webpages with HTML versions for chat and News Services, this pages are now accessible for ATARI users.

The access to the Internet will be made through any standard provider, which offers you a standard PPP access to the Internet. It may be any commercial ISP, Call-By-Call provider, university or i.e. the German provider T-Online. Also there is a gateway for MintNet, which manages the communication between MiNT and the Draconis-Programs.

On the web pages for the different programs you'll find more detailled informations about the different components Driver Browser EMail FTP Telnet and their capabilities. All programs are availabe for free download.

In the support area you'll find several useful information, updates, additional programs and many more...